A partir de este mes de setiembre y durante los siguientes 4 meses, he decidido incluir este pequeño segmento cada miércoles o jueves, dedicado a canciones que dejaron huella en mi vida, hace 35, 30 y 25. Como ya deben haber visto, últimamente estoy posteando dos veces por semana: los lunes que son los posts dedicados a QUEEN y el fin de semana, ya sea viernes o sábado, dedicado a otros temas. Y ante ello, he querido incluir entre ambos posts, un post más breve en el que recuerde aquellos temas que formaron parte de mi vida y dejaron huella en mí, comentando mi experiencia con dichas canciones y colgando sus video clips y sus letras. Además, me gusta rememorar aquellos recuerdos que coincidan con años especiales, como 25, 30 o 35 años atrás. Y coincidentemente, estos años están relacionadas con etapas importantes en mi vida: hace 35 años, en 1974 cuando comencé a escuchar música en la radio a la edad de 11 años; hace 30 años, en 1979 cuando terminaba el colegio a la edad de 16 años; y hace 25 años, en 1984 cuando disfrutaba las fiestas universitarias a la edad de 21 años.
Y serán dos temas por post -salvo en 1979 donde incluiré 3 temas-, algo así como una especie de "microprograma musical del recuerdo" para compartir con ustedes, las canciones que formaron parte de mi vida. Y cada mes, empezaremos en la primera semana con 1974, luego seguirán 1979 y 1984. Y así será hasta fin de año, y dependiendo de la acogida que tenga este segmento, ya en el 2010, formará parte de este blog en forma permanente.
Sin más preámbulos, arrancaré hoy con dos temas que fueron parte de mi niñez en 1974 y fueron dos de las primeras canciones que gozaron de mis preferencias cuando comencé a escuchar radio.

Dice la historia que originalmente esta canción fue escrita por Jacks para que fuese grabada por The Beach Boys pero el proyecto nunca se materializó y por tal motivo, Jacks decidió grabarla en su propio sello disquero. Y felizmente sucedió así, porque la canción se convirtió en el sencillo más vendido de la historia de Canadá. La canción estuvo basada en el tema original "Le moribond" de Jacques Brel, cuyas letras y melodías fueron modificadas por Jacks. Fue número 1 en 1974, en USA, UK y en Canadá. Recién hace poco, pude apreciar el video de esta canción en Youtube y me hizo retroceder en el tiempo a aquellos años de transición de la niñez a la adolescencia.
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend.
We've known each other since we're nine or ten.
Together we climbed hills or trees.
Learned of love and ABC's,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
Pretty girls are everywhere.
When you see them I'll be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the hills that we climbed
were just seasons out of time.
We've known each other since we're nine or ten.
Together we climbed hills or trees.
Learned of love and ABC's,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
Pretty girls are everywhere.
When you see them I'll be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the hills that we climbed
were just seasons out of time.
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me,
I was the black sheep of the family.
You tried to teach me right from wrong.
Too much wine and too much song,
wonder how I get along.
Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die
when all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
Little children everywhere.
When you see them I'll be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the wine and the song,
like the seasons, all have gone.
I was the black sheep of the family.
You tried to teach me right from wrong.
Too much wine and too much song,
wonder how I get along.
Goodbye, Papa, it's hard to die
when all the birds are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
Little children everywhere.
When you see them I'll be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the wine and the song,
like the seasons, all have gone.
Goodbye, Michelle, my little one.
You gave me love and helped me find the sun.
And every time that I was down
you would always come around
and get my feet back on the ground.
Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die
when all the bird are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
With the flowers ev'rywhere.
I whish that we could both be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the stars we could reach
were just starfishs on the beach
You gave me love and helped me find the sun.
And every time that I was down
you would always come around
and get my feet back on the ground.
Goodbye, Michelle, it's hard to die
when all the bird are singing in the sky,
Now that the spring is in the air.
With the flowers ev'rywhere.
I whish that we could both be there.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
But the stars we could reach
were just starfishs on the beach

Daddy was a cop
On the East Side of Chicago
Back in the USA
Back in the bad old days
In the heat of a summer night
In the land of the dollar bill
When the town of Chicago died
And they talk about it still
When a man named Al Capone
Tried to make that town his own
And he called his gang to war
Against the forces of the law
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
And the sound of the battle rang
Through the streets of the old East Side
'Til the last of the hoodlum gang
Had surrendered up or died
There was shouting in the street
And the sound of running feet
And I asked someone who said
'Bout a hundred cops are dead
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
Then there was no sound at all
But the clock up on the wall
Then the door burst open wide
And my daddy stepped inside
And he kissed my momma's face
Then brushed her tears away
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
The night Chicago died
The night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
The night Chicago died
The night Chicago died
On the East Side of Chicago
Back in the USA
Back in the bad old days
In the heat of a summer night
In the land of the dollar bill
When the town of Chicago died
And they talk about it still
When a man named Al Capone
Tried to make that town his own
And he called his gang to war
Against the forces of the law
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
And the sound of the battle rang
Through the streets of the old East Side
'Til the last of the hoodlum gang
Had surrendered up or died
There was shouting in the street
And the sound of running feet
And I asked someone who said
'Bout a hundred cops are dead
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
Then there was no sound at all
But the clock up on the wall
Then the door burst open wide
And my daddy stepped inside
And he kissed my momma's face
Then brushed her tears away
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
I heard my momma cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother, what a night the people saw
Brother, what a fight the people saw
Yes, indeed
The night Chicago died
The night Chicago died
Brother, what a night it really was
Brother, what a fight it really was
Glory be
The night Chicago died
The night Chicago died
Del 73, año en que nací, se puede decir que fue uno de los mejores años de la música popular después del fin de los sesentas. Hay imbatibles como "Radar Love" de Golden Earring, "The Boston Rag" de Steely Dan, "Money" de Pink Floyd y... aguanta, me he confundido. Pensé que estábamos en el 2008! Del 74? La más grande para mí: "Magic" de Pilot! Qué tema para cristalino, perfecto, radial, efe-éme!
ResponderEliminarMi estimado Javier, muchas gracias por tu comentario.
ResponderEliminarEn lo personal, guardo un enorme cariño por 1974, año en que comencé a escuchar música. Y quise comenzar este segmento con este año.
"Magic" de Pilot, un tema extraordinario que no puede faltar en este segmento y te adelanto que el otro mes, va de ley.
Un fuerte abrazo.
Qué tal Luis, gusto en saludarte nuevamente.
ResponderEliminarMe han gustado tanto la primera como la segunda canción, las cuales conocí a través de este post cuando lo escribiste hace más de 5 años atrás.
Creí haber dejado un comentario en aquella ocasión pero no estaba seguro, así que quise asegurarme y comentar algo al respecto.
Voy a enfocarme principalmente a "Seasons in the sun". Como te decía, conocí esta canción gracias al post, jamás la había escuchado antes y me gustó, así que decidí añadirla a mi colección de música, donde hasta hoy se mantiene.
Me llamó mucho la atención que una banda grunge como Nirvana (de quienes no soy admirador en absoluto, aunque tampoco me causan desagrado) haya grabado un cover de esta buenísima canción, y debo decir que el resultado fue bastante bueno, con un sonido que se asemeja a The Doors. Espero que en algún momento la rutina diaria te regale unos minutos para escuchar dicha versión.
Hola Mauricio. Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Que enorme gustazo volver a tenerte por acá.
EliminarEs cierto, hace más de 5 años publiqué este post y nunca es tarde para recibir un comentario como el tuyo. Gracias por la información sobre el cover de Nirvana. Voy a escucharla por Youtube, pero de hecho que debe ser buena.
Un fuerte abrazo a la distancia.