Seguimos con esta tercera entrega musical de "Anglo 60's", dedicada a los dos grupos británicos más importantes en la década del 60: Los Beatles y los Rolling Stones. Y hoy he querido dos de las mejores canciones de la trayectoria de estas dos bandas, y también por qué no decirlo, de la historia de la música. Dos temas complejos provenientes de 1967, con harta creatividad y que reflejan en forma precisa los grandes genios creativos que fueron. En este segmento de los Beatles y Stones, no pretendo llenar de información sobre las canciones posteadas, porque la idea es que la gente solamente disfrute de la magia musical de estas dos legendarias bandas.

I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grave
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.
I saw a film today oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on
Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in second splat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I'd love to turn you on
About a lucky man who made the grave
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure
If he was from the House of Lords.
I saw a film today oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
but I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on
Woke up, fell out of bed,
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
And looking up I noticed I was late.
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in second splat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
and Somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
I'd love to turn you on

She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
She comes in colors
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
Have you seen her dressed in blue?
See the sky in front of you
And her face is like a sail
Speck of white so fair and pale
Have you seen a lady fairer?
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
She comes in colors
Have you seen her all in gold?
Like a queen in days of old
She shoots colors all around
Like a sunset going down
Have you seen a lady fairer?
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
She comes in colors
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
Have you seen her dressed in blue?
See the sky in front of you
And her face is like a sail
Speck of white so fair and pale
Have you seen a lady fairer?
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
She comes in colors
Have you seen her all in gold?
Like a queen in days of old
She shoots colors all around
Like a sunset going down
Have you seen a lady fairer?
She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
She's like a rainbow
Coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colors
Espero que estas dos joyas musicales creadas hace 43 años hayan sido de su total agrado y los invito a disfrutarla y dejarme sus comentarios. Hasta el próximo mes en que seguiremos gozando de la magia musical de estas dos legendarias bandas.
Hola de Rolling Stones...nunca la habia escuchado...pero ahora que acabo de hacerlo siento que esta muy buena.
ResponderEliminarSobre a cancion de The Beatles, me parece que debiste escoger In my parece que pesa mas...!
ResponderEliminarComo estas amigo querido!!!?? Bueno, ahora yo tambien tengo blog, y a pesar de que siempre miro tu blog... ahora podré estar mas conectada contigo porque ahora soy bloguera :D
Bueno, mi blog esta enfocado en vivencias y pensamientos propios, y cosas que comparto en las conversaciones con los amigos y amigas de intereses comunes... ojalá te puedas pasar un día y comentes si te agrada...
Mil besitos Luchito, saludos a tu esposa y estamos hhablando!
mil besos
Hola mi estimado Farouk. Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
ResponderEliminar"She's a Rainbow" es una joya musical. Y sobre los Beatles, lo que quise fue poner dos temas de 1967. "In My Life" va a ir en una próxima secuencia, te lo aseguro.
Un gran abrazo.
Hola mi querida Nicole. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por contarme que tienes ahora tu blog.
ResponderEliminarYa dejé mi comentario y ten la plena seguridad que estaré siempre pendiente de loque escribas.
Un beso muy grande y un abrazote inmenso.
Excelente tu manera tan amena de contarnos cierytos detalles de estas canciones, con respecto a The beatles y la cancion que mencionas es una des mejores que he escuchado de la decada de los 60tas. y con respecto a la de de los Rollies. primera vez que la escucho y dejame decirte que la veo muy fuera de su epoca pero el frupo de Mick son unicos
ResponderEliminarHola Antony. Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
ResponderEliminar"A Day In The Life" es una canción extraordinaria y es de lo mejor de los 60's. Y "She's A Rainbow" es una verdadera joyita musical y es una muestra de la mágica música que hicieron en esa década del 60.
Recihe un fuerte abrazo.
Hola Lucho,Has bajado She's a Rainbow, que te a parecido? .Un abrazo
Hola mi estimado Miguel. Muchas gracias por tu interés.
ResponderEliminarTe confieso que con este tema del viaje a Santa Cruz, no he podido bajarlo, pero prometo hacerlo cuando esté retornando a Lima, y te daré mis impresiones al respecto.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo.
OK, estamos en contacto..buen regreso
Hola Miguel. Gracias por tus buenos deseos. En dos días ya estaré de retorno por Lima.
ResponderEliminarUn gran abrazo.