Y nuevamente nos encontramos con una edición más de "ANGLO 60's", con lo mejor del panorama musical británica de los 60's y en esta oportunidad, me centraré en dos canciones del año 1963, el año en que nací -y cuando mi prioridad era dormir y comer papilla-, y con dos grupos provenientes de Liverpool, que en ese año, ya eran exitosos en Gran Bretaña en pleno auge de la Beatlemania en UK, antes de la invasión británica en USA.

Escrita por Mitch Murray, "I Like It" fue el segundo single y fue lanzado en mayo de 1963 y llegó al Nº 1 en UK el 22 de Junio, permaneciendo 4 semanas en esa posición. Posteriormente alcanzarían un tercer Nº 1 -el primero fue "How Do You Do It"- con "You'll Never Walk Alone", haciendo historia en los charts británicos y tendrían algunos éxitos en USA con temas como "Ferry Cross The Mersey" y "Don't The Sun Catch You Crying", y su popularidad decaería en la segunda mitad de los 60's, separándose en octubre de 1966. Pero la magia de este tema, permanece intacta en el recuerdo de lo que ese sonido beat británico de Liverpool.
I like it, I like it
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair
And I like the way you tickle my chin
And I like the way you let me come in
When your mama ain't there
I like it, I like it
I like the words you say and all the things you do
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you're winkin' your eye
And I know I like you
You know I like you
Do that again
You're driving me insane
Kiss me once more
That's another thing I like you for
I like it, I like it
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say
You're likin' it too
You're likin' it too
I'm askin' you
What do you wanna do
Do you agree
That the world was made for you and me
I like it, I like it
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say
You're likin' it too
You're likin' it too
Whoa-oh, I like it
Are you likin' it too
I like the way you run your fingers through my hair
And I like the way you tickle my chin
And I like the way you let me come in
When your mama ain't there
I like it, I like it
I like the words you say and all the things you do
And I like the way you straighten my tie
And I like the way you're winkin' your eye
And I know I like you
You know I like you
Do that again
You're driving me insane
Kiss me once more
That's another thing I like you for
I like it, I like it
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say
You're likin' it too
You're likin' it too
I'm askin' you
What do you wanna do
Do you agree
That the world was made for you and me
I like it, I like it
I like the funny feeling being here with you
And I like it more with every day
And I like it always hearing you say
You're likin' it too
You're likin' it too
Whoa-oh, I like it
Are you likin' it too

Aunque fue acreditado a la dupla autoral Lennon-McCartney, la canción fue escrita por John Lennon y producida por George Martín, y fue grabada el 26 de Junio de 1963. Fue lanzada como single y el 22 de agosto de 1963, permaneciendo 3 semanas en esa posición. Al año siguiente, el single se lanzaría en USA en plena invasión británica y llegó al Nº 9 en USA, según Billboard, siendo el primer cover de la dupla Lennon/McCartney en llegar al Top 40 en USA por un artista distinto a los Beatles. Han pasado ya 47 años de este tema y aún me parece estar escuchando "Memories" y la inconfundible voz de Dianita presentándola como un "Super Oldie".
If you ever leave me, I'll be sad and blue
Don't you ever leave me, I'm so in love with you
The birds in the sky would be sad and lonely
If they knew that I lost my one and only
They'd be sad, if you're bad to me
The leaves on the trees would be softly sighin'
If they heard from the breeze that you left me cryin'
They'd be sad, don't be bad to me
But I know you won't leave me 'cos you told me so
And I've no intention of letting you go
Just as long as you let me know, you won't be bad to me
So the birds in the sky won't be sad and lonely
'cos they know that I got my one and only
They'll be glad, you're not bad to me
But I know you won't leave me 'cos you told me so
And I've no intention of letting you go
Just as long as you let me know, you won't be bad to me
So the birds in the sky won't be sad and lonely
'cos they know that I got my one and only
They'll be glad, you're not bad to me
They'll be glad, that you're not bad to me
To me
To me
Don't you ever leave me, I'm so in love with you
The birds in the sky would be sad and lonely
If they knew that I lost my one and only
They'd be sad, if you're bad to me
The leaves on the trees would be softly sighin'
If they heard from the breeze that you left me cryin'
They'd be sad, don't be bad to me
But I know you won't leave me 'cos you told me so
And I've no intention of letting you go
Just as long as you let me know, you won't be bad to me
So the birds in the sky won't be sad and lonely
'cos they know that I got my one and only
They'll be glad, you're not bad to me
But I know you won't leave me 'cos you told me so
And I've no intention of letting you go
Just as long as you let me know, you won't be bad to me
So the birds in the sky won't be sad and lonely
'cos they know that I got my one and only
They'll be glad, you're not bad to me
They'll be glad, that you're not bad to me
To me
To me
Esta ha sido una entrega musical más de "ANGLO 60'". Espero que estos dos temas hayan sido de su total agrado y los invito, como siempre, a disfrutarlos y dejarme sus comentarios. Hasta la próxima.
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