Baby's good to me you know,
She's happy as can be you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world
That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine, MMM
Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world
That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine
She's in love with me and I feel fine
She's happy as can be you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world
That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine, MMM
Baby says she's mine you know,
She tells me all the time you know,
She said so
I'm in love with her and I feel fine
I'm so glad that she's my little girl
She's so glad, she's telling all the world
That her baby buys her things you know.
He buys her diamond rings you know,
She said so
She's in love with me and I feel fine
She's in love with me and I feel fine

Well I told you once and I told you twice
But ya never listen to my advice
You don't try very hard to please me
With what you know it should be easy
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well, I'm sorry girl but I can't stay
Feelin' like I do today
It's too much pain and too much sorrow
Guess I'll feel the same tomorrow
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well I told you once and I told you twice
That someone will have to pay the price
But here's a chance to change your mind
'Cuz I'll be gone a long, long time
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well, this could be the last time
But ya never listen to my advice
You don't try very hard to please me
With what you know it should be easy
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well, I'm sorry girl but I can't stay
Feelin' like I do today
It's too much pain and too much sorrow
Guess I'll feel the same tomorrow
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well I told you once and I told you twice
That someone will have to pay the price
But here's a chance to change your mind
'Cuz I'll be gone a long, long time
Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know. Oh no. Oh no
Well, this could be the last time
Esta ha sido una entrega musical más de los dos grupos británicos más grandes que ha habido enla historia de la música. Los invito a disfrutar de ambos temas y a dejarme sus comentarios.
Excelente blog, lo voy a linkear...volvere a pasar.
Hola Sico. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y tus palabras.
ResponderEliminarLas puertas del blog están abiertas para que puedas pssar todas las veces que desees y comentar cuantas veces gustes.
Un abrazo.
Hola Luchito, te saludo nuevamente y comentando en otro de tus siempre interesantes posts.
ResponderEliminarMuy buena rola "I Feel Fine", es una de las canciones que me trae muchos recuerdos de mi infancia. Fijate que el primer disco de Los Beatles que tuve, bueno, fue en cassete, fue el "Past Masters Vol. 1" donde viene esta canción.
Como tú sabes, Los Beatles aparte de los exceléntes álbumes que hicieron, produjeron también una incontable cantidad de singles que no venian en sus discos de estudio, y que después de muchos años fueron recopilados en los dos que ahora conocemos como Past Masters.
Puff, no cabe duda que esos cuates eran una máquina de producir hits....¡Y lo hicieron todo en tan solo 7 años!, es decir, el equivalente a 15 álbumes en tan solo 7 años. Es algo que hasta el dia de hoy, creeme, no deja de sorprenderme. En serio. Hoy en día cualquier grupo o banda famosa tarda de 3 a cuatro años en sacar un álbum de tan solo 11 o 12 canciones. Los Beatles, en un rango similar de tiempo, hicieron la mitad de toda su discografía. IM-PRE-SIO-NAN-TE!
Y de ninguna manera desmerezco a Los Rolling Stones. Muy buena también su rola "The Last Time".
Luchito, espero que te encuentres super bien!
Te mando un muy coordial y afectuoso saludo!
Hola mi estimado Magroz17. Muchas gracias por tu comentario.
ResponderEliminar"I Feel Fine" es un tema representativo de los Beatles. Y es muy cierto lo que dices, en tan solo 7 años produjeron lo que muchos grupos tardan en lograr en 10 o hasta en 20 años. Por eso, fueron grandes entre grandes. Y "The Last Time" también es impecable.
Un gran abrazo.